Rodika Tchi
* Dumping Gatorade on Winning Coaches - This annoying practice has been giving coaches hypothermia since 1985. (Sometimes worse. 72-year-old coach Coach George Allen died not long after his Long Beach State players dumped a bucket of ice-water on him following a season-ending victory.) Last year, Boston Celtics coach Doc Rivers was even showered with the hideous substance on a basketball court. 1985 is the year that brought us such cultural touchstones as New Coke and Eddie Murphy's "Party All the Time." Do we really want anything else from that era to survive?
* Saying "Knock Knock" Instead of Knocking - A knock is a socially acceptable auditory intrusion. Softly saying the words as you peek into my office does not reduce its impact. It is akin to poking a goose feather at my earlobe.
Comments are back? Woo-hoo. I think your gatorade thing was stupid, but I really like the knock-knock.
Thanks, Jen, for reinvigorating the comments process with an insult! You LIKE the assinine Gatorade baths? Why? Because the Giants take credit for starting it? (The Bears, in fact, started it a year earlier.)
Uh, oh -- I admit to regularly employing the technique of hovering in a colleague's doorway and gently bursting the bubble of concentration by imposing myself with a verbal "knock-knock"--I guess I'd better rethink that practice...
In the spirit of Topol, "What about TRADITION!?"
I'm okay with the Gatorade bath -- but only if it's for claiming THE highest prize in your sport. If you're :42 away from winning the Super Bowl and up by two touchdowns, go ahead and drench your coach in Lemon Lime. But if you just won a divisional championship? Better keep it to high fives, kids. (Same goes for champagne celebrations after Round One victories. Come on, dudes. Relax.)
Tell you what could stop forever in all cases for yours truly: Comedians who throw their microphones down on the stage after spewing off the closing line of their shows.
Why didn't they offer a course in The Art of Moving Your Couch Three Inches to the Left when I was in college? Bet I would have aced that final! (Extra credit: add a fern...)
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