Saturday, February 2, 2008

"Spiritual?" No, You Just Like Granola.

Ever hear this chestnut? "I'm not religious, but I am spiritual."

What exactly is that? A catch-all term for those who skip church but shed tears during Titanic? Who never keep kosher but do admire sapling trees?

I'm an avowed atheist, yet part of me prefers the slack-jawed honesty of the "faithful" to the inane prattling of those who would have it both ways.


Kelly Simmons said...

Oh, silly Matt. Spiritual just means they do yoga.

Peter G. said...

You're an "avowed athiest"? How is your dogma any different than that of an "avowed Catholic"?

Let's all just admit that none of us -- religious, spiritual, or otherwise -- know dick about squat.

- Peter Gozinya, avowed ignoramous

P.S. Hey, who's this Kelly person and how's her rack?

Matt Rosenblatt said...

Peter -- the difference is simple. I have no "dogma." By being an "avowed" atheist, I simply, but fervently, reject the supernatural, as opposed to those who actually put stock in virgin births, golden plates, subterranean pits of fire, etc. You’re right about one thing. The term “atheist” may not even be relevant. As Sam Harris recently wrote, "'Atheist' is a term that we do not need, in the same way that we don’t need a word for someone who rejects astrology. We simply do not call people 'non-astrologers.' All we need are words like 'reason' and 'evidence' and 'common sense' and 'bullshit' to put astrologers in their place, and so it could be with religion."